Standard Refund & Return Policy.
Boards by Ariel delivers perishable products which cannot be restocked or resold, so returns will not be accepted.
It is always recommended for health and safety measures that your platter is consumed within 24 hours of receiving your platter.
If within good reason, you are not completely satisfied with your product from Boards by Ariel, please contact [email protected] within three (3) days of receiving your order. Your order will be reviewed and a suitable resolution may be offered depending on the nature of the complaint. Potential resolutions may include product replacement, credit towards future orders, or a partial (50% of individual item/platter) or full refund. Due to the fact that the platters are perishable items and not available for physical examination, please provide photos of damage and/or said complaint item.
Partial/Full refund will be considered in the cases of:
Pick up.
If in the case you do not show up to receive your platter without notice at your selected pick up time, no refund will be provided. Pick up date and time cannot be adjusted within twelve (12) hours of the selected pick up date and time. Attempts to contact you up to three (3) times over a thirty (30) minute waiting period will be made before your platter is considered to be unclaimed at pick up. Please be mindful.
Return/Refund Policy for Cancelled Orders.
Cancellation requests can be made by contacting [email protected] at any time prior to the selected delivery date and time outside of the 12 hour time frame. A full refund will be provided for cancellation four (4) days prior to the selected delivery date and time. A partial refund (50%) will be provided for cancellation three (3) day prior to the selected delivery date and time. No refunds will be provided for cancellation within 48 - 24 hours of the selected delivery date and time.
Boards by Ariel delivers perishable products which cannot be restocked or resold, so returns will not be accepted.
It is always recommended for health and safety measures that your platter is consumed within 24 hours of receiving your platter.
If within good reason, you are not completely satisfied with your product from Boards by Ariel, please contact [email protected] within three (3) days of receiving your order. Your order will be reviewed and a suitable resolution may be offered depending on the nature of the complaint. Potential resolutions may include product replacement, credit towards future orders, or a partial (50% of individual item/platter) or full refund. Due to the fact that the platters are perishable items and not available for physical examination, please provide photos of damage and/or said complaint item.
Partial/Full refund will be considered in the cases of:
- Allergies that were outlined in the order process.
- Perished food items on your platter.
- Damaged item upon pick up.
Pick up.
If in the case you do not show up to receive your platter without notice at your selected pick up time, no refund will be provided. Pick up date and time cannot be adjusted within twelve (12) hours of the selected pick up date and time. Attempts to contact you up to three (3) times over a thirty (30) minute waiting period will be made before your platter is considered to be unclaimed at pick up. Please be mindful.
Return/Refund Policy for Cancelled Orders.
Cancellation requests can be made by contacting [email protected] at any time prior to the selected delivery date and time outside of the 12 hour time frame. A full refund will be provided for cancellation four (4) days prior to the selected delivery date and time. A partial refund (50%) will be provided for cancellation three (3) day prior to the selected delivery date and time. No refunds will be provided for cancellation within 48 - 24 hours of the selected delivery date and time.